The WEFE NEXUS International Conference, under the theme “Exploring and Bridging Nexus for a Sustainable Future,” will take place on February 11-12, 2025, at the Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II in Rabat, Morocco. The event is jointly organized by the SureNexus and BONEX projects, both funded by PRIMA, and will bring together a global network of researchers, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and practitioners to address the pressing challenges and opportunities within the Water-Energy-Food-Environment (WEFE) Nexus.

In today’s interconnected world, the complex and interdependent relationships between water, energy, food, and the environment have become increasingly clear. This interconnection is emphasized in strategic frameworks and policies from key institutions such as the European Commission (EC), PRIMA, the United Nations (UN), UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme (IHP), and the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM). However, despite widespread acknowledgment of the WEFE Nexus’ importance, there remains a significant gap between strategic ambitions and their practical implementation. Real-world examples of successful integration and application of these strategies remain limited and not widely recognized.

It is within this critical context that the WEFE Nexus International Conference emerges, designed to delve deeply into the challenges of implementing the WEFE Nexus. The conference will focus on bridging existing gaps, transforming the Nexus into a tangible tool for sustainable development. Through transdisciplinary dialogue, the sharing of practical case studies, and collaborative initiatives, participants will work toward identifying actionable solutions. These solutions will prioritize inclusivity, including gender-sensitive approaches, robust governance mechanisms, and the integration of disruptive technologies.

The ultimate goal is to foster enabling environments and chart new pathways that fully unlock the potential of the WEFE Nexus to support sustainable, resilient development worldwide.


WEFE Nexus in Governance

For the efficient management of WEFE resources, policy frameworks and critical institutional arrangements will be examined.

Gender and the WEFE Nexus

This theme advocates for empowering women within the Nexus approach, emphasizing the vital role of gender in WEFE resource management

WEFE Nexus Solutions

We will highlight innovative solutions, including traditional resource management practices, and explore the challenges and opportunities for scaling these methods to support sustainable development.

Call for Abstract

We encourage participants to submit abstracts aligned with the three pillars of the conference. This provides a platform to showcase innovative projects, solutions, and initiatives tackling challenges within the WEFE Nexus framework.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Abstracts must be submitted via email to: iav.bonex@gmail.com by 13th January 2025
  • Please use the provided template for your submission, download here.

Join us:

We warmly invite you to participate in this landmark event and contribute to the global effort of fostering resilience and sustainability through the WEFE Nexus. Be part of the conversation, share your expertise, and help shape a more sustainable future.

For additional information and updates, feel free to contact us at iav.bonex@gmail.com.

In today’s interconnected world, the complex and interdependent connections between water, energy, food, and the environment are increasingly apparent. This reality is reflected in strategic frameworks and key policy documents from major organizations such as the European Commission (EC), PRIMA, the United Nations (UN), UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme (IHP), and the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM). While these frameworks highlight the importance of the WEFE Nexus, there remains a considerable gap between strategic goals and their practical implementation. Successful real-world examples that effectively transform these strategies into tangible solutions are still scarce and not widely acknowledged.

In this crucial context, the WEFE Nexus International Conference is being held to thoroughly examine the challenges of implementing the WEFE Nexus. The conference will focus on innovative strategies to bridge the existing gap, with the aim of transforming the Nexus from a theoretical concept into a practical tool for sustainable development. Through a mix of transdisciplinary discussions, the exchange of real-world experiences, and collaborative efforts, participants will strive to identify tangible solutions that involve diverse stakeholders, including gender-sensitive approaches, strong governance frameworks, and groundbreaking technologies. The ultimate goal is to create new pathways that foster environments capable of fully unlocking the potential of the WEFE Nexus.


Inaugural session
Chair: Mr Mohammed Chikhaoui (IAV)
Welcome & Inaugural Session
Date: 11/02 Speaker: Jordi Morato (UPC), Antonia Lorenzo (BIOAZUL), Representative from Min. Agriculture, Representative from Min. Sust.Dev., Directeur of IAV, Directeur of INRA Time: 9:00 – 9:45
Welcome speeches from BONEX, SureNexus, PRIMA, and National/Regional Authorities
Keynote Speech I
Date: 11/02 Speaker: Ali Rhouma (PRIMA) Time: 9:45 - 10:15
Specific Features of a WEFE Nexus Project Beyond Technological Innovations
Keynote Speech II
Date: 11/02 Speaker: TBC Time: 10:15 - 10:45
Presentations of BONEX and SureNexus projects
Date: 11/02 Speaker: Jordi Morato (UPC),
Rafael Casielles (BIOAZUL)
Time: 10:45 - 11:30
General overview of BONEX and SureNexus projects: Insights into our vision for WEFE Nexus
Coffee-break (& 1st Poster session)
Date: 11/02 Time: 11:30 - 12:00
Pillar 1: WEFE Nexus in Governance
Chair: Mr. Rachid Mrabet (INRA)
Keynote Speech I
Date: 11/02 Speaker: M. Behnassi (CESE, Rabat Morocco) Time: 12:00 – 12:25
WEFE Nexus Governance.
Keynote Speech II
Date: 11/02 Speaker: Fadi Comair (Cyprus institute, Energy, Environment & Water Research Center, EEWRC & WEFE4MED coordinator) Time: 12:25 - 12:45
WEFE Nexus Governance.
Policy Frameworks and Institutional Arrangements (Roundtable)
Date: 11/02 Speaker: Roula Khadra (CIHEAM Bari), Alice Aureli (IWRA Vicepresident, Former UNESCO) and Michael Jacobson (Sustainfood) Time: 12:45 - 13:30
High-level policy roundtable with international organizations (PRIMA, UfM, UNESCO-IHP, IPCC, UNEP) and national governments (Moroccan Ministry of Agriculture, ONEE).
Topics: Governance frameworks, challenges, opportunities, policy alignment, science-policy interface.
Lunch break
Date: 11/02 Time: 13:30 - 14:30
Pillar 2: Gender and WEFE Nexus
Chair: Yasmina Imani (IAV)
Introduction to the session
Date: 11/02 Speaker: Antonia Lorenzo (BIOAZUL) Time: 14:30 – 14:40
Celebrating International Day of Women and Girls in Science
PRIMA vision and commitment on gender issues
Date: 11/02 Speaker: Antonella Autino (Project Coordinator at PRIMA Foundation) Time: 14:40 - 15:00
PRIMA overarching vision and commitment to promoting gender equality
Gender & WEFE Nexus (Round table)
Date: 11/02 Speaker: Alexandra Tsatsou (SureNexus) Time: 15:00 - 16:00
Roundtable: Women’s roles in WEFE resource decision-making and strategies for gender integration.
Coffee-break (& 2nd Poster session)
Date: 11/02 Time: 16:00 - 16:20
Gender Perspective on WEFE Nexus (Keynote Speech)
Date: 11/02 Speaker: Soukaina Bouraoui (CAWTAR) Time: 16:20 – 16:40
Understanding gender dimensions in water, energy, and food security.
Inspiring experiences/initiatives on gender leading Nexus case studies
Date: 11/02 Speaker: Moderator: Antonio Castro (UAL). Speakers: 2 Winners of PRIMA Awards, BONEX DP Jordan Serena Sandri (GJU) and BONEX DP Tunisia Olfa Mahjoub (INRGREF) Time: 16:40 - 17:30
Success stories on the role of women in field interventions.
Gender & WEFE Nexus Experiences in PRIMA projects
Date: 11/02 Speaker: Gabriela Abreu & Enrica Garau (UAL) , Irene Pérez (NOVA)  and Antonia Lorenzo (BIOAZUL) Time: 17:30 - 17:50
BONEX results on gender mainstreaming activities.
Gender initiatives with nexus perspective
Date: 11/02 Speaker: Selected abstracts focused on gender Time: 17:50 - 18:00
Results from other projects and initiatives.
Pillar 3: WEFE Nexus solutions
Chair: Jordi Morató (UPC)
Challenges and Opportunities for WEFE Nexus Solutions (Keynote Speech)
Date: 12/02 Speaker: Bassel Daher (Texas A&M Energy Institute) Time: 9:00 – 9:45
Multicounty experiences with trade-off analysis and WEFE Nexus.
Tools and Decision Support Systems to support WEFE Nexus implementation & Governance I
Date: 12/02 Speaker: Jordi Morató (UPC/SureNexus) Time: 9:45 – 10:00
Nature-Based solutions (NbS) and ancestral hydrotechnologies for water and food security and climate change adaptation.
Tools and Decision Support Systems to support WEFE Nexus implementation & Governance II
Date: 12/02 Speaker: Pau Fonseca (UPC/SureNexus) Time: 10:00 – 10:15
Overview and Applications of AI tools for WEFE Nexus implementation.
Tools and Decision Support Systems to support WEFE Nexus implementation & Governance III
Date: 12/02 Speaker: Johannes Hunink (FutureWater) Time: 10:15 – 10:30
REWEF Nexus Assessment Tool.
Tools and Decision Support Systems to support WEFE Nexus implementation & Governance IV
Date: 12/02 Speaker: Nora Schütze (UKS) Time: 10:30 – 11:00
BONEX methodological framework on Nexus and WEFE 2.0 Decision making tool.
Coffee-break (& 3rd Poster session)
Date: 12/02 Time: 11:00 – 11:30
Innovative Solutions I: Showcasing demonstration cases of SureNexus
Date: 12/02 Speaker: Rachid Mrabet (INRA), Alessandro Zeca (Planet) and Nicolas Bedau (Ecolodge) Time: 11:30 – 12:00
SureNexus Case Studies
Innovative Solutions I: Showcasing demonstration cases of BONEX
Date: 12/02 Speaker: Rafael Casielles (BIOAZUL), Mounia Ennami (IAV), Serena Sandri (GJU) and Sofia Paz (NBS) Time: 12:00 – 12:30
BONEX Case Studies.
Innovative Solutions II
Date: 12/02 Speaker: Leaders of each innovative solutions Time: 12:30 – 13:15
Presentations from selected abstracts featuring innovative, disruptive technologies, nature-based solutions (NBS), ancestral practices, and more.
Conference Recommendations & Closing Session
Date: 12/02 Speaker: Jordi Morato (UPC), Rafael Casielles (BIOAZUL), Representatives of IAV & INRA, Ali Rhouma (PRIMA) and JRC/EC/UfM
Summary of key insights, recommendations, and closing remarks.